Beer Club
VRG Beer Club began on 2/27/23 and replaces the former Victoria Beer Club. VRG Beer Club is a points-based, reward system, which works at both Victoria Gastro Pub and Manor Hill Tavern! Simply put, for every $10 spent on any Beer, you will receive 1 point. Earn 10 points, and receive $10 on your membership card to be redeemed anytime and towards all beer.
What do I need to do to join?
Simply pay the initial dues of $15, receive your loyalty card, and begin enjoying great beer!
What do I get for the $15?
A beer club membership allows you to take advantage of benefits at both Victoria Gastro Pub AND Manor Hill Tavern. You start a new membership with 25 FREE points. Half price on ALL beer ALL DAY Monday at Victoria Gastro Pub (dine-in only), Half price on ALL beer ALL DAY Tuesday at Manor Hill Tavern (dine-in only), entry to an annual trip giveaway, and a whole lot of fun!
What if I forget or lose my Beer Club Member Card?
If you forget your member card, we will NOT be able to add the beer from that visit onto your card. It must be added at the time that you order that specific beer. If you lose your member card, we can issue you a new card for a $10 fee.
What happens to my old membership?
We will provide you with a new card at no extra cost. Any prior levels and gift cards previously obtained will still be honored. Your new card will begin to accrue new points immediately.